Pernell Gerver's lecture and presentation entitled "A Gardener's Christmas: Decorating with Natural Materials from the Garden" shows how to decorate the home during the winter months and beyond using natural materials gathered from the garden. Examples of roping, swags, wreaths, and windowboxes decorated for winter are featured. Tips are provided on which plants from the garden are useful in wintertime decorations for both indoors and out. Plants commonly used for decorating such as white pine and juniper are illustrated as well as more unusual plants such as Japanese andromeda and hydrangea. By choosing the right combinations of natural materials, the program shows you how to have colorful decorations all winter long. A how-to demonstration of decorating a windowbox for winter is featured after the presentation. Included is a question & answer session after the program as well as a plant sale of rare, hard-to-find, and useful plants and gardening products.
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Gerver, Horticultural Communication Services All rights reserved.