Pernell Gerver's lecture and presentation entitled "Using Native Plants in the Home Landscape" discusses incorporating native plants into the garden and landscape. The program highlights native plants of the Northeast including trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and perennials and how they can be used in the home landscape. Native plants are adapted to the climate, environment, and growing conditions and therefore tend to be low-maintenance plants. Each plant is described in detail including its origin, flower color, flower shape, bloom season, plant height, and its use in the home landscape. Cultural instructions and proper growing conditions are discussed for each native plant such as sun or shade, moist or dry, and where to grow each plant for the most success. By choosing the right plants for the location you have, the program shows you how to have a beautiful landscape of your own with native plants. Included is a question & answer session after the program as well as a plant sale of rare, hard-to-find, and useful plants and gardening products.
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Gerver, Horticultural Communication Services All rights