Pernell Gerver's lecture and presentation entitled "Easy-Care Lawns and Groundcovers" focuses on safe and natural lawn care in spring, summer, and fall, as well as alternatives to lawn. Spring lawn care tasks featured in the program include removing thatch, controlling weeds using pre-emergent, applying limestone to correct pH, applying fertilizer, overseeding bare spots, preparing the soil for a new lawn, seeding a new lawn, and using sod to create an "instant lawn." Summer lawn care items include proper mower height, keeping mower blades sharp, cutting the grass so that only one-third is removed in a single mowing, watering deeply and thoroughly rather than frequently and shallowly, insect, disease, and weed control using natural methods, fighting thatch, and weeds as indicator plants. Featured in the fall lawn care portion of the program is lawn repair, thatch removal, seeding, aerating, and fertilizing. For areas difficult to grow grass, the program highlights carefree alternatives such as groundcovers for sun, shade, steep slopes and other areas. Included is a question & answer session after the program as well as a plant sale of rare, hard-to-find, and useful plants and gardening products.
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Gerver, Horticultural Communication Services All rights reserved.