Pernell Gerver, named Organic Gardening magazine's "Gardener of the Year," discusses a safe and natural approach to building healthy gardens in his lecture and presentation entitled "Organic Gardening Fundamentals." Whether it's vegetables, fruits, flowers, or landscape plantings, the program shows how to garden organically. The role of soil prep, composting, "green manures," and cover crops and their importance in organic gardening is covered. Included in the program are biological pest management techniques. Beneficial insects and how they can help control harmful insects in the garden are featured. By incorporating the fundamentals of organic gardening into your garden, the program shows you how to create a successful and beautiful garden of your own naturally. Included is a question & answer session after the program as well as a plant sale of rare, hard-to-find, and useful plants and gardening products.
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Gerver, Horticultural Communication Services All rights