Welcome to my web site www.pernellgerver.com
I've been involved with gardening and horticulture
for more than 45 years and my greatest love in life is to spread the
word of gardening and share this interest with fellow gardeners like
yourself. I'd like to thank you for your support and thanks for
stopping by my spot on the Internet. Take a few minutes to look
around, sign the guestbook, read my online columns, read about the plant of the
month, submit a gardening question, add your name to the mailing
list, or browse the online store. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of
this page to view all the links!
Good news! The year 2019 marks several special
anniversaries of mine - 2019 is the 25th anniversary of my weekly
columns which you can now read on my website (click
here) and my
35th anniversary of being named "Gardener of the Year" by Organic
Gardening magazine.

Click on
the link below
for more information about Pernell Gerver's gardening lectures for
garden clubs
and organizations

for Gardeners
Looking for the
perfect gift for that special gardener on your list or perhaps
yourself? We've created a special page filled with items from the
online store that make great gifts. Click on the link below for some
great gift ideas for any special occasion including a birthday,
housewarming, shower, anniversary, thank you, the holidays, etc.!
Can't decide? Gift certificates are also available.

(Also, look for
this symbol throughout
the online store for other great gift ideas.)

Looking for something fun to
do? Click here for some Fun Stuff for Gardeners.

Thanks for visiting my web site!
Happy Gardening!