In Memory of Bob Thomson
Viewers of "The Victory Garden" television show on PBS will remember Bob as the host of the show, succeeding the late Jim Crockett, from 1979 to 1991. I first met Bob at a taping of the show when I was just a teenager. He also hosted a radio show for over 30 years, was a garden columnist, and author of gardening books. In 1994 I invited Bob to come out here to western Massachusetts to be a part of my Gardening Workshop Series. As one of Bob's youngest fans, I have many fond memories of every time I saw him and one of the highlights in my life was when he and I presented a lecture together at a national annual meeting of the Garden Writer's Association. Bob was a good friend, inspiration, and mentor to me not only when I was a kid, but as I follow in his footsteps as an adult. All those whose lives he touched through his work, including mine, will miss him greatly. |
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