Pernell Gerver's Online Store of Rare, Hard-to-find, and Useful Plants & Gardening Products

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Index of Plants and Gardening Products

Milky Spore Powder Grub Control (10 oz. can, each can covers 2,500 sq. ft.)
organic grub control, LEED© certified

A naturally-occurring bacteria that infects only grubs, it's used on lawns and in the garden to control grubs and beetles. It's effective on over 40 different white grubs including Japanese beetle grubs. It also eliminates the food source (grubs) of moles, skunks, and birds and the animals go somewhere else to feed. Once applied, the bacteria quickly spreads throughout the colony of grubs. Safe for humans, animals, and beneficials. One application lasts 15 to 20 years or more! Pays for itself in only 2 years of conventional grub control and the grubs do not get resistant to it. (Use neem oil to control the adult beetles.) 10 oz. can - $52 on sale for $45 - You save $7!

How many cans do you need? Find the size of your lawn and garden in the list below, then enter the number in the box below and click "Add to Cart."
2,500 square feet = 1
5,000 square feet = 2
7,500 square feet = 3
10,000 square feet = 4
1/4 acre = 5
1/3 acre = 6
15,000 square feet = 6
17,500 square feet = 7
20,000 square feet = 8
1/2 acre = 9
25,000 square feet = 10
27,500 square feet = 11
2/3 acre = 12
30,000 square feet = 12
3/4 acre = 13
35,000 square feet = 14
37,500 square feet = 15
40,000 square feet = 16
42,500 square feet = 17
1 acre = 18

(For areas larger than 1 acre, use the chart above to calculate the number of cans you need. For example for 1 1/2 acres, add 18+9 for a total of 27.)



Other insecticides/bug killers available:

Diatomaceous earth

Mosquito Dunks

Neem Oil

Other lawn care supplies available:

Herbicidal Soap Spray - Fast-Acting, Organic Weed, Algae, and Moss Killer

Corn Gluten Meal

Organic Lawn Weed & Feed

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