Pernell Gerver's lecture and "hands-on" demonstration entitled "A Season's Beginnings: Indoor Seed Starting Made Easy" shows how to have success when starting seeds indoors for the new growing season. Starting seeds indoors is the solution for those looking for unusual or hard-to-find plants. All the necessary components of successful seed starting indoors are discussed including seed catalogs, seeds and where to store them, the importance of using sterile seed starting mix and pots, using a propagation mat for better germination, having a light source, using an automatic timer to control the light source, bottom watering with capillary matting, and more. Seed starting times as well as transplanting tips are featured. By following the guidelines outlined in the lecture, the program shows you how to have success with indoor seed starting. A seed starting setup complete with lights, propagation mat, timer, and pots of seedlings will be on display for demonstration. Included is a question & answer session after the program as well as a plant sale of rare, hard-to-find, and useful plants and gardening products.
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Gerver, Horticultural Communication Services All rights reserved.