It's always nice to enjoy flowers indoors,
especially during the long winter months when outdoor flowers are but
a memory. A flowering plant in the middle of winter really helps
cheer the spirits. There are many different winter-blooming house
plants that provide color indoors during the long winter months.
They're all easy to grow. Click on a plant name below to order it
from Pernell Gerver's Online Store.
of my favorites I grow for winter bloom is chenille
plant. Chenille plant
is a shrubby house plant that bears unique flowers unlike any others.
It has long, velvety, red tassels that hang down from its branches.
The flowers can reach a foot long or more and remain attractive for
months. New flowers are always appearing along its stems so not only
is it a winter-blooming house plant, it also blooms just about all
year long. It has large, pale-green leaves and can grow to three feet
tall, or it can be pruned to keep it smaller.
plant I grow for winter bloom is related to chenille plant and is
called strawberry firetails.
It's a trailing house plant with small, deep-green leaves on semi-woody
long stems. Its flowers are fuzzy, red "tails" that appear
in the axils of its leaves near the ends of its stems. They resemble chenille
plant flowers, only shorter. Like chenille
plant, the flowers of strawberry
firetails are long lasting. In addition to growing indoors,
I also grow strawberry firetails
in container gardens outdoors during summer, where its long, trailing
stems hang over the edges of the container. |
all of the winter-blooming house plants I grow, I think African
gardenia is one of the best for many reasons. First, it's
easy to grow, unlike its relative, the common gardenia. African
gardenia blooms reliably indoors during winter (and all year
long, for that matter!). Its small, star-shaped flowers are pink in
bud and open creamy white. The flowers are held in clusters all along
its stems and even the smallest stems will have a few flowers. There
are dozens and dozens of flowers in bloom at any one time and, most
importantly, their fragrance is wonderful! It's very similar to
gardenia, albeit a little more subtle. The fragrance easily carries
on the breeze, perfuming a room. It's a shrubby plant that looks
similar to gardenia, but on a smaller scale. It has short, slender
leaves that are carried on woody stems. It rarely grows larger than a
couple of feet high and wide, making it a good choice for even a
small windowsill garden. Not a fussy plant, African
gardenia can be grown just about anywhere in the home - in a
sunny or shady window, in cool or warm temperatures, and in low or
high humidity.
olive is a shrubby house plant with large, deep-green,
leathery leaves. Fragrant olive
bears clusters of small, star-shaped flowers. Each flower is only
about a quarter of an inch wide. The flowers are creamy white. It
bears flowers all up and down its stems in the leaf axils and even
along its bare stems where there are no leaves. Fragrant
olive is constantly in bloom during all the seasons,
including winter. The flowers have a sweet, fruity fragrance similar
to apricots that really perfumes the air. It's not an overpowering
fragrance, but it's quite enjoyable to smell it on the breeze and
even just a couple of flowers are enough to perfume a room.
violet is another winter-blooming house plant and one of my
favorites. It's also one of the most popular house plants. It bears
showy flowers atop a neat rosette of leaves. Flower color is
extensive, with just about every color of the rainbow represented.
Many have unique spotted, freckled, or bicolored flowers. Many also
have variegated foliage that is an attractive complement to the
flowers. There are a range of sizes of African violets from
micro-miniature plants with leaves only a quarter inch long to
standard-sized plants that can reach a foot across. There are also
interesting trailing types that cascade over the edge of the pot and
look especially nice in hanging baskets.
velvet plant (Ruellia makoyana) is an attractive house plant
with eye-catching leaves and flowers. Its elliptical, velvety leaves
are dark green to nearly black with a prominent pink center vein that
gives the leaves a striped appearance. The leaves are held on
creeping stems that can grow two feet long or more. Small clusters of
vibrant-pink, trumpet-shaped flowers bloom at the tips of its stems.
It blooms in midwinter, a time when flowers are much appreciated. |