"Protect Gardens from Underground Animals" Q. I enjoy reading your column. Last year I experienced heartache beyond the widespread winterkill. For years and years I've been planting several hundred grape hyacinths each fall, in an attempt to create a springtime "sea of blue" in my early gardens. To my horror, last spring I noticed several smallish "holes" in the gardens after the snow melted, and suspect they were created by voles or moles. On Easter morning, my precious little miniature dachshund turned the little holes into little craters while my attention was diverted to another area of the yard. Once able to step back and appreciate the humor of the sight of perhaps 200 little craters created by a very industrious and trying-to-be-helpful pup... I realized I saw no displaced grape hyacinth bulbs in the rubble, and my fears about voles or moles were confirmed. My question is probably obvious to you by now...HOW DO I RID MY GARDEN OF THESE RODENTS? Three years ago I applied milky spore diligently after skunks tore up areas of the lawn in search of grubs. I need a "two-pronged" attack: one for voles, one for moles -- and whatever I do needs to be safe for pets and the environment. I'd much rather repel or "re-direct" the critters than kill them because they obviously have some purpose other than annoying me and disintegrating my spring spectacular. (At least I got to see the hyacinths looking glorious the year before.) Thank you for any suggestions you might be able to provide. A. I get a lot of questions about underground and burrowing critters. It seems there has been a population explosion of them in recent years. As you know, these animal pests can do significant damage and kill many plants. The best way to protect your garden is to spray Underground Animal Repellent on all of your garden now. Spray all of the plants, the ground around the plants, and also spray any holes or tunnels you see. I use this repellent to repel all sorts of underground and burrowing animal pests including rabbits, groundhogs, squirrels, chipmunks, and voles from flower gardens, lawns, landscaped areas, and vegetable gardens. This unique product is an organic, all-natural repellent and is safe for humans, pets, and the environment. Its unique formula repels both by odor and taste. It is very long lasting - one application will last up to two months. What's nice is it will not wash off in the rain or snow. Every year I treat my garden to protect it from all of the underground pests including voles which eat plants. (You know you have voles if you see tunnels ON TOP OF the ground when the snow melts.) I had a similar problem to what you experienced where voles had eaten paths right through a large planting of bulbs and perennials one year and I had to replant the whole area. So every year since then I treat everything and I haven't had any problems since. So you don't lose another plant, you should treat your garden now and every couple of months throughout the year. For your other problem with moles, one application of Milky Spore Powder, another organic product, will control the grubs they're looking for. One application lasts at least 20 years or more.
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