"Begin Spraying Roses with Neem Oil Now to Prevent Black Spot" Q. I planted a couple of shrub roses and a white climber near each other last year. Black spot appeared on the climbing roses and spread to the shrub roses. There was considerable black spot on the climbing roses and the defoliation that goes with it. What should I do? What kind of spraying would you recommend right now in early spring? Thanks. A. Black spot is probably the number one disease of roses. The best way to treat it is to prevent it. The spray I use and recommend for black spot on roses is Neem Oil. Neem Oil is an organic insecticide, fungicide, and miticide. In addition to being an excellent control of black spot and other fungal diseases that affect roses and other plants, it also controls over 200 insects as well as mites. To prevent black spot, begin spraying the roses now as new growth emerges and continue spraying on a regular basis every seven to 10 days all season long. Be sure to coat the leaves and the canes when spraying. Click here to read more about Neem Oil and order it from Pernell Gerver's Online Store.
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