Q. This
was my first summer in my new house and the first year I had a
flower garden. It turns out my yard is mostly shade. The marigolds
and geraniums I planted did not flower that much and didn't do well
either. I'd like to try again next year, but I don't know what
flowers I should plant that will give me lots of color. Do you have
any suggestions? I'm new to gardening and would appreciate any help
you can give me. Thanks!
A. Gardening
in the shade can present a challenge. Many summer-blooming annuals
like marigold and geranium require sun to do best. However, there is
a whole group of plants, from annuals, to perennials, and bulbs that
offer as much color to a shady garden as the sun-loving annuals
provide in a sunny garden.
One of the best annuals for a shady garden is impatiens. It will grow
and flower in even the deepest shade and does not appreciate hot sun.
It forms tall mounds that are covered with small, brightly colored
flowers. The color range is extensive and includes red, pink, orange,
white, violet, rose, cranberry, and salmon. The bright colors really
brighten up a dark spot. Impatiens does best in moist, rich soil.
Impatiens ranges in height from a foot tall to over two feet tall. In
really rich soil, it can grow much taller. In my garden this year I
had a bed of impatiens that grew to 42 inches tall! Impatiens is a
tender annual that should be planted after all danger of frost is passed.
A bulb that provides striking, colorful leaves instead of flowers is
caladium. This tropical bulb bears huge, heart-shaped leaves that are
striped, streaked, or blotched with red, pink, white, and green. It's
a very cold-sensitive bulb and should not be planted until night
temperatures remain above 65 degrees.
There are many perennials that thrive in shady locations. Astilbe
is one of my favorites. In early summer, it bears plumes of flowers
in red, white, or pink. Its fine, fernlike foliage is attractive all season.
Hosta is also another
perennial that adds color to a shady garden. Most are grown for their
attractive leaves, but all flower as well. The leaves range in size
from an inch or two long on dwarf varieties to over three feet long
on the larger types. In addition to green, there are blue-leaved
types that are very striking. Many hosta varieties have variegated
foliage with white, cream, or yellow markings on the leaves. The
flowers are carried on a tall flower spike that rises above the
foliage. Flower colors are white, violet, or pale lavender. Also,
some varieties bear fragrant flowers. |