"Fall is the Perfect Time to Improve Soil" Q. I have a real problem. My garden is old, but not very good. The soil is clay (not one single rock or pebble). My plants look sparse even though I work hard. I would like to take out everything and start over. What do I add and when should I start over? A. Now through fall is the perfect time to work on improving the soil. The best way to improve the soil is to add as much organic matter as you can. Peat moss, cow manure, humus, compost, and any other organic matter you can get your hands on will help improve the soil. Autumn leaves are in abundance now and can be added to the soil as organic matter. Large leaves, such as oak leaves, should be shredded before mixing them into the soil. Add as much organic matter as you have and rototill or spade it into the soil so it is thoroughly mixed in. Since soil in our area is naturally acidic, it's a good idea to do a soil test to see if you need to add limestone. Doing this soil improvement now will have your garden ready for planting time next spring. Click here to read more about the soil test kit and order it from Pernell Gerver's Online Store.
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