Q. My
blue hydrangeas never bloom. I get lots of leaves, but no flowers.
In spring, it is a bunch of dead sticks with some leaves coming up
down at the ground. Why doesn't it ever bloom for me? Thanks for your
help - you have helped me in the past with great success - thank you!
A. This
is the most-often-asked gardening question I receive through my Q
& A column, at my Web site, and at my gardening workshops.
Non-blooming or poorly-blooming hydrangeas is a very common problem
here in western Massachusetts. I have become an expert on this
subject after years of first-hand experience myself in my own garden
here and trials in this area.
The problem is you have a variety of hydrangea that does not bloom in
this area because it blooms on old wood. Our winters here kill off
the old wood, so you'll seldom, if ever, get blooms. You do get a
bushy plant with lots of leaves, but very few, if any, flowers. I had
the same problem and eventually I had to take out my non-blooming
hydrangeas and replace them.
I replaced them with an outstanding variety called 'All
Summer Beauty' which is the only blue hydrangea that blooms
on new wood, unlike other older or newer blue-flowered varieties. 'All
Summer Beauty' hydrangea is not widely available on the
market so I start my own plants and I have some young plants I've
started available. For those of you who don't get flowers on your
hydrangeas, this variety is for you.
'All Summer Beauty'
hydrangea has showy, rich-blue flowers that bloom reliably. It's a
prolific bloomer in this area and is smothered in large, mophead
flowers in summer just like the ones you see at the Cape, but this
one will bloom reliably here. The large blue flowers are very long
lasting, providing a long season of bloom. With this variety you can
make the flowers blue or pink or a combination of both.
Click here to read more
about Hydrangea 'All Summer Beauty' and order it from Pernell
Gerver's Online Store. |