"Rejuvenate Overgrown Rhododendron with Selective Pruning" Q. Enjoy your column. I have several rhododendrons. They have long, woody branches with greenery at the end, making an ugly-looking bush. The limbs are mostly on the ground. Is there any way that I can prune these bushes to help them fill out? A. Rhododendron is a broadleaf, evergreen shrub that is putting on its show of colorful, springtime flowers right now in the landscape. It's a shrub that tends to grow large and often outgrows its spot. There are ways to rejuvenate an already-overgrown rhododendron and ways to keep a small rhododendron compact. It's possible to make an overgrown rhododendron attain its former shape through pruning. This process is accomplished through several years of selectively removing older branches. In late winter or very early spring, prune away one third of the oldest stems. Do this for two or three more years each winter. Tall stems can also be cut back at this time. Cut tall shoots back to just above a lower side branch. Removing the older stems and reducing the height of the remaining branches encourages new shoots to develop. If the plant is very healthy and growing vigorously, it is possible to cut back all its branches to just above the ground and allow new branches to grow out. It will take a few years for the rhododendron to attain an attractive shape after this drastic pruning and it's possible it won't grow at all if it's not a healthy plant to begin with. To maintain the shape of a smaller rhododendron and to encourage more flowers, pinch out the tips of the new growth. This should be done immediately after the rhododendron finishes flowering this spring. Remove about an inch of the new growth once it reaches several inches long. Pinching the ends of the stems will force buds along the sides of the branches to grow. Pinching the growing end also increases the number of flower clusters for next year since several new shoots will grow from the pinched end. Don't wait too long to pinch the new growth, however. Rhododendrons form next year's flower buds in midsummer, so any pinching should be done before then. If it's done too late, you'll be removing next year's flowers.
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