"Always Use Sterile Pots, Soil When Starting Seeds Indoors" Q. I recently read a newspaper article about starting seeds indoors. It mentioned using old pots, egg cartons, and other types of pots for starting the seeds in. It also mentioned using garden soil as the soil to start the seeds in. Can I start my seeds this way? I seem to recall reading somewhere else that it was not a good idea to use garden soil. Thanks for clearing this up for me. A. The most important step in starting seeds indoors is to make sure everything is sterile. Never reuse old pots to start your seeds. The number one killer of seedlings is a disease called dampening off. It's a fungus that attacks the seedlings and causes them to die just about overnight. It can be present in used pots and no amount of cleaning can get rid of it. I always start with new, sterile pots each year. I also never use garden soil to start seeds. Garden soil can have diseases and insect eggs and will kill the seedlings. Always use sterile seed starting mix. It's free of insects, diseases, and weeds. Click here to read more about seed starting supplies and order them from Pernell Gerver's Online Store
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