Q. Four years ago I
planted a linden tree which I bought at a local nursery. For two
years it had beautiful blossoms, but the last two years the tree had
no flowers. It was growing nicely however. What am I doing wrong?
A. There are several types of linden
trees including America linden, little-leaved linden, Crimean linden,
and silver linden. Lindens are tall, stately trees with a dome-shaped
crown. They grow from 40 to 70 feet tall, depending on type, and
about half as wide. They have thick, leathery, heart-shaped leaves
that are bright green on top and pale green underneath. They bear
small yellow flowers in summer that have a sweet fragrance. Following
the flowers are small pea-like fruit that hang in clusters and
sometimes stay on the tree into midwinter. They're long-lived trees
and are often used in parks where they have plenty of space to grow.
They are a good street tree and an ideal shade tree. They leaf out
early in spring and their leaves will remain green during a warm fall
until frost kills them in late autumn. During a fall with normal
temperatures the leaves turn yellow.
American linden is a fast-growing tree, reaching 20 feet tall in only
four to five years. Its ultimate height is 80 feet tall and about
half as wide. Little-leaved linden is an equally rapid grower,
reaching a height of 70 feet tall at maturity. It's an excellent
street tree. Crimean linden grows to 60 feet tall at maturity with a
spread of 20 to 30 feet. Silver linden grows to 70 feet tall with a
symmetrical shape. It makes a good specimen tree in a home landscape.
All lindens do best in full sun to partial shade. They have deep
roots and prefer a deep, moist, fertile soil. Regular, thorough
waterings are important, especially for young trees that are getting
established. Fertilize the tree regularly, as well, with Electra
Plant Food and Electra
Bloom Food. Pruning is not generally necessary on lindens.
They form their attractive shape naturally.
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