"Ants Don't Affect Peony Buds" Q. In last week's column you talked about peonies. I noticed the buds on my peonies are full of ants. Is it true that the ants should be left alone? Do they benefit the flowers? Thank you. A. Every year at this time I also notice ants on the buds of peonies. It's a common occurrence. The good news is ants do no harm to the buds of peonies, nor do they benefit the flowers. The ants are attracted to the sweet secretions of nectar. Since the ants do no harm to the flowers you don't need to do anything. If there are a lot of ants or if they are near your house, you could sprinkle some Diatomaceous Earth on the ground around the plants to control the ants as well as other crawling insects organically. (Use the diatomaceous earth for agricultural use, not the kind used for swimming pools.) Click here to order Diatomaceous Earth from Pernell Gerver's Online Store.
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