Q. I
have had blueberry bushes for a number of years and after about the
sixth year they became more tart each year. I was told to feed them
with an acid fertilizer. I would love to make a blueberry pie again
with my own blueberries, but it's impossible now. Thank you for your help.
A. Blueberries
are one of the tastiest berries to grow in a home fruit garden. Here
in western Massachusetts, blueberry picking time is just around the
corner, from mid July to August.
Most varieties of blueberry grow into four- to five-foot-tall shrubs.
They have small white flowers in spring and striking red foliage in
autumn. They make a nice landscape plant.
A well-cared-for blueberry bush can produce as many as 20 pints of
berries each season. It is also a long-lived shrub, living and
bearing berries for up to 40 years. For the best yields, it's a good
idea to plant at least two different varieties of blueberries for
good cross pollination. Blueberries are classified into early-, mid-,
and late-season varieties. By planting a bush or two of each type,
you can have the longest possible picking season.
Blueberries do best in acidic soil with a pH range of 4.0 to 5.0.
When planting new blueberry plants, mix a generous amount of peat
moss into the planting hole. The peat moss will help acidify the soil
as well as add organic matter. On established blueberry bushes, use
an acidifying fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate each spring.
Regular watering is important in producing sweet berries. The
sweetest berries are those that are dark blue. Don't pick them right
away when they first turn blue since they will still be sour. Wait at
least a week to allow them to fully ripen before picking. Since not
all the berries will ripen at the same time, pick them once a week or so.
To help conserve soil moisture apply a mulch. A good mulch to use on
blueberries is aged sawdust. Apply a four-inch-thick layer beneath
the plants and replenish it as needed each year. |