Summer is in full swing right now and the perennial garden is
bursting with color. While the spring-blooming perennials are just a
memory, it's time for the summer-blooming perennials to take center
stage. There are lots of summer-blooming perennials for sun that span
the entire season from early summer to early autumn and many are my
favorites. Click on a plant name to order it from Pernell Gerver's
Online Store.
are some of the easiest perennials to grow in the garden. Insects
and diseases are not a problem, they are drought tolerant, grow well
in hot, sunny spots in the garden, and, probably their best
attribute, they begin blooming in very early summer and continue
blooming all summer long right into autumn. They attract hummingbirds
and butterflies to the garden and their large flowers are very long
lasting when cut. The flowers are held on tall, stiff, sturdy stems
that seldom need staking. Hybridizers in recent years have been doing
a lot of work developing new colors. One of the more unique new
colors hybridizers have developed is green. 'Green
Jewel' features flowers with single, light-green rays
surrounding a large, dark-green cone. It blooms abundantly from
midsummer through late summer. Its flowers are three to five inches
wide and hold their green color with age. It has a nice compact,
upright habit, requiring no staking. With the flowers, it stands just
two feet tall. |
is the season for daylilies and they thrive in sunny spots in the
garden. There are literally thousands of different daylily varieties,
so it's hard to narrow it down to just a few, but my favorite types
are the rebloomers, because they extend the bloom period for weeks
and weeks right through the whole summer. Although each individual
flower lasts just a day, the rebloomers repeat bloom all summer long. 'Cherry
Cheeks' has rosy-purple petals that have white ribs running
down the center of each petal on this tetraploid daylily. An apricot-yellow
throat contrasts nicely with the rosy-purple petals. The flowers are
six inches wide and repeat bloom all summer long.
'Wineberry Candy' is another rebloomer. It's a
small-to-medium daylily that grows just under two feet tall. It bears
five-inch-wide, lightly-ruffled, pale-rose-pink flowers with a
mulberry eyezone. A yellow-green throat contrasts nicely with the
eyezone. The flowers are quite eye catching. Its one of the
earliest daylilies to bloom, beginning blooming in late May and it
repeats bloom all summer long.
garden phlox is a staple in the sunny summer perennial garden. It's
is prized for its large panicles of colorful, and often fragrant,
blooms. There are hundreds of different varieties with a bloom period
that spans from early summer to early autumn. One of the most
eye-catching of the newer varieties is called 'Peppermint
Twist.' The flowers of this phlox are stunning. It bears
large flower clusters that carry striking, bi-colored flowers. Each
flower petal is bright pink with a distinct band of white running
down the center, giving the flower a striking pinwheel pattern. The
flowers bloom in midsummer atop compact, 16-inch stems and are
colorful for weeks. Removing spent flowers encourages side shoots to
develop, prolonging the bloom period. It also has good disease
resistance. Because of its small size, it's a tall garden phlox that
can be planted near the front of the flower bed or border, instead of
in the back like most tall garden phlox.
is a summer-blooming perennial that thrives in sunny spots in the
garden. Campanula 'Sarastro'
is a newer variety with outstanding characteristics. It is a shorter,
more compact improvement over other campanulas. It bears very-large,
three-inch-long, dangling blue bells that are borne in clusters at
the tips of its stems. The flower stems are held upright and stand
slightly above the foliage. It begins blooming in early summer and
continues to bloom all summer long. It's not uncommon for it to bloom
four or more times throughout summer and into fall. It spreads slowly
by underground rhizomes to form a handsome, round mound a foot and a
half wide or more.
is another summer-blooming perennial for sun. A more recent
introduction combines early bloom and a compact plant habit. Called 'Twilight,'
it bears medium-blue flowers that bloom from June to August on
foot-tall stems. The flowers bloom above a compact clump of
grayish-green foliage. Its a very floriferous, long-blooming
veronica that's a good choice for the front of the perennial flower garden. |