"The Best Vining and Climbing House Plants" |
Vining and climbing house plants make good use of
vertical space indoors. There are many different types of vining and
climbing house plants. Their long stems can be trained to grow up a
trellis or allowed to hang down from the pot. There are many
different vining and climbing house plants with a range of flower
colors and bloom periods. Click on a plant name to order it from Pernell
Gerver's Online Store.
jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) is a climbing, vining house
plant that bears large clusters of very-fragrant flowers. The flowers
are pink in bud and open pure white. The fragrant flowers bloom from
mid winter to mid spring and their scent really perfumes the air. The
long, vining stems wind around their support and can be trained into
a hoop, as shown in the photo, or allowed to climb up a tall trellis.
The stems can reach five feet long or more.
is a climbing house plant with colorful flowers. Long, thin stems
form a shrubby, climbing house plant. The stems can be trained up a
trellis or be allowed to trail from a hanging basket. 'Raspberry
Ice' is a variety that bears large clusters of papery,
fuchsia-pink "flowers" (actually bracts) at the tips of its
stems. The flowers remain colorful for weeks and bloom almost all
year long. In addition to its showy flowers, it has attractive
variegated foliage. |
Plumbago auriculata is another
house plant that has long, thin stems that form a shrubby, climbing
plant. The stems grow four feet tall or more and can be trained up a
trellis. It bears large clusters of unique, pale, sky-blue flowers
from spring to fall. |
Blue Sky Flower (Thunbergia grandiflora) is
a vining indoor plant that has long, climbing and trailing stems
that are ideal in a hanging basket or twined around a trellis. From
fall, through winter, and into spring, it bears sky-blue, tubular
flowers with a yellow throat. The flowers are up to three inches
across and bloom in abundance, nearly covering the vine when in full
bloom. It grows well in bright light and average to cool room temperature. |
Purple Passion Vine (Gynura sarmentosa)
is trailing or climbing house plant that is grown for its striking
foliage. Its soft, hairy, velvety leaves are olive green covered with
tiny bright-purple hairs that give the leaves a distinct purple hue.
New leaves are the most colorful. The leaves are held on bright-red
stems and trail a couple of feet. It looks especially nice in a
hanging basket or trained to a small trellis. |
Passion flowers are
vining indoor plants that bear some of the most striking flowers of
any house plant. The large, rounded flowers bloom in a range of
eye-catching colors. Passion flower
grows well in bright light and average to cool room temperature. One
of the showiest passion flowers is the variety 'Crimson
Tears.' This passion flower bears large, cranberry-purple
petals that surround crimson, lavender, and white filaments. It
blooms intermittently all year long, including winter. Its long,
twining stems grow three feet or more and look especially nice
trained to a trellis. |