The garden and home landscape should be a source of beauty and
enjoyment, not a source of constant care and maintenance. To that
end, I am always searching for and adding to my garden and home
landscape easy, no-maintenance plants. After all, I'd much rather
spend my free time enjoying my garden and landscape than working on
maintaining it. Wouldn't you? There are many easy, no-maintenance
plants, including many fine shrubs and perennials, for the garden
home landscape. Click on a plant name to order it from Pernell
Gerver's Online Store.
beautyberry is an easy, no-maintenance shrub. It has many
nice attributes and one of its best is it needs no pruning. Unlike
many shrubs that require regular pruning all season long to keep them
looking good, purple beautyberry
attains its rounded shape all by itself. The only pruning I ever do
to mine is once in early spring, I trim it back to about a foot high
and that's it. It grows to four feet high and wide. In mid summer,
its branches bear small, lavender-pink flowers that become clusters
of vibrant-purple berries. The berries almost look like little gems.
They're arranged in clusters opposite one another all up and down its
stems. The green foliage turns pink in autumn, then falls, leaving
the berries behind. The berries cling to its branches well into
winter, providing winter interest. Purple
beautyberry grows well in sun to part shade. |
are much-loved shrubs for their large clusters of summertime
flowers. One of the easiest to grow is hydrangea 'Annabelle.' Not
only is it easy to grow, it is also a reliable bloomer. It bears
enormous flowers, easily a foot across or more on a small plant that
is only two to three feet tall. The flowers are creamy white and have
a sweet fragrance - something I discovered quite by accident one day
when I happened to be planting some plants nearby and smelled a sweet
smell in the air. What I was planting wasn't even in bloom so I stuck
my nose in the 'Annabelle' flowers to see if it was them and sure
enough, it was! As the flowers fade, they change to a really
beautiful chartreuse color. If picked and dried at this stage,
they'll retain that color when dry. 'Annabelle' is very adaptable,
growing and blooming well in sun or shade.
grasses are easy, no-maintenance perennials that should be a part of
every landscape. They add architectural beauty to the landscape and
provide four seasons of interest. Their foliage and flowers turn a
beautiful tan and remain attractive through winter. There are lots of
different ornamental grasses from very small to very large and it
really only depends on the amount of space you have. A very nice, new
form of miscanthus called 'Adagio'
only grows three feet high, with the flowers, and can fit into just
about any landscape. It has slender, arching foliage that is topped
with creamy-white flower plumes in mid to late summer.
are some of the easiest perennials to grow in the garden. Insects
and diseases are not a problem, they are drought tolerant, grow well
in hot, sunny spots in the garden, and, probably their best
attribute, they begin blooming in very early summer and continue
blooming all summer long right into autumn. They attract hummingbirds
and butterflies to the garden and their large flowers are very long
lasting when cut. The flowers are held on tall, stiff, sturdy stems
that seldom need staking and the stems can grow up to four feet high
on some varieties. They are one of the best no-maintenance
perennials. One of the newest coneflowers is a variety called 'Sunrise.' It's
a color breakthrough in coneflowers. It bears fragrant, pale-yellow
flowers on three-foot-tall stems. The large flowers have a prominent
center cone that begins small and green, then grows larger and
changes to gold as it matures. It blooms all summer long, from June
to September and the flowers are long lasting when cut.
is one of the most versatile, tough, and easy perennials. It grows
happily in just about any soil, can withstand periods of drought, and
thrives in full sun, but does equally well in part shade. It's one of
the most popular perennials because of its adaptability and wide
range of flower colors. There are over 45,000 named varieties of
daylily with flower colors that include white, red, purple, lavender,
yellow, orange, red, burgundy, salmon, pink, and rose along with
bicolors and blends. 'Ruby Stella'
is a dwarf daylily with three-inch-wide, ruffled, deep-scarlet
flowers with a yellow throat. It begins blooming in May and repeats
bloom right to frost. It forms a compact plant just over a foot high
and wide and is good for the front of the flower bed or border. |