of the most fascinating types of gardens is a rock garden. With the
right placement of rocks the planting can look as natural as a rock
formation found in the mountains. Another fascinating aspect is
growing all the unique alpines and dwarf rock garden plants which are
very early and are beginning to grow and bloom now. The combination
of rocks with special plants makes one of the most interesting types
of gardens.
When it comes to rock gardens there are many different types
including a scree, moraine, boulder field, rock outcropping, stone
wall, and trough.
A scree is found in the mountains where large pieces of rock have
broken off the crags and tumbled down the side of the mountain. Large
pieces of rock are found at the top of the sand slide and the pieces
get smaller and smaller toward the bottom.
A moraine is a scree with water running beneath it. In the mountains
when the snow melts the water trickles down through the rocks at a
depth of a foot and a half down to three feet deep.
A boulder field is a collection of large, rounded rocks randomly
scattered. The largest stones are off by themselves with smaller
stones clustered opposite the large stones. |
Rock outcroppings are common here in western Massachusetts. Large
pieces of rock jut out of the side of a hill. All the rock protrudes
at the same angle and appears in layers, or strata.
Stone walls that are not mortared can be planted. The spaces between
the stones need not be large. Many types of rock garden plants like
growing in the cracks and crevices on the face of the stone wall or
cascading down from the top of the wall.
trough is a special planter ideally suited to growing alpines and
dwarf or miniature rock garden plants. Originally, the watering
troughs made of stone that were used for holding water for cattle
were used as planters. These days trough planters are manmade, but
look like real stone. The trough can be made out of a mixture of
Portland cement, peat moss, and vermiculite. The mixture is put into
a mold and is reinforced with wire mesh or Fiberglas strands inside
the walls of the planter. Planted troughs stay outside all year long.
As interesting as the different types of rock
gardens are the many different types of low-growing, dwarf, or
miniature plants that complement the setting. Many rock garden plants
also share the same cultural conditions such as excellent drainage
and a cool root run.
If you are new to rock gardening a whole new
world of unique plants awaits you. Some are upright-growing, others
are prostrate, and others are clump- or rosette-forming plants, but
all are generally small in scale and fit the aesthetic appearance of
the rocks.
What I especially like is the fact that a good
number of alpines and rock garden plants are among the earliest
plants to bloom in the garden. Alpines are of the Alps mountain range
and therefore are cool-growing plants and are quite hardy. It's
interesting to see these plants beginning to grow and bloom during
the cold weather of late winter and early spring.
There are many choice hardy plants for a rock
garden including basket of gold, pasque flower,
columbine, rock
cress, sea pink,
Artemisia 'Silver Mound,' mountain aster, purple rock cress,
campanula, snow-in-summer, pinks
(Dianthus spp.), fringed
bleeding heart, gentian,
crane's bill (Geranium spp.),
creeping baby's breath, candytuft, edelweiss, evening primrose, creeping
phlox, primrose, adonis, saxifrage, sedum,
hens and chicks (Sempervivum tectorum),
thyme, draba, lewisia, saponaria,
and ramonda. Dwarf conifers such as hinoki falsecypress, 'Compressa'
juniper, and 'Cole's Prostrate' weeping hemlock are also good rock
garden subjects. Minor bulbs such as snowdrops, winter aconite, dwarf
crested iris, crocus, and mini daffodils are small in size,
look good when tucked near rocks, and add extra-early bloom to the
rock garden. |