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Yesterday-Today-and-TomorrowYesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow (Brunfelsia australis) - to 3 feet tall, an attractive indoor plant that offers both beautiful flowers and sweet fragrance. The beautiful flowers of yesterday-today-and-tomorrow go through an interesting metamorphosis that has earned it its common name. The rounded, one- to two-inch-wide blooms open a deep violet blue with a white eye. Within a day or so, the petal color changes to pale violet. By the third or fourth day, the color fades again to nearly white. Once the flowers reach the off-white stage, they soon fall. Even though its common name implies the flowers only last three days, it actually takes several more days for the flowers to go through their complete color changes. all the while the flowers are going through their intriguing color change, they are also emitting a sweet, sugary, candy-like fragrance. As early as when the flowers are still in bud, the fragrance is evident and it doesn't fade along with the color. It remains strong right through its last color phase of off white. Even fallen flowers retain their sweet fragrance. A prolific bloomer, it produces flowers almost non stop all year long. On a mature plant, it's not uncommon to have nearly 100 flowers in bloom in all three different color stages. A live plant in a 3" pot in a 4" pot - $35 each or 3 for $99.75 - You save $5.25!




Good house plant companions to Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow:

White Heliotrope
White heliotrope

Queen of the Night - Brunfelsia nitida
Queen of the Night

Jamaican Lady of the Night
Jamaican Lady of the Night

Supplies to use with Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow:

Neem oil

Electra Plant Food

Electra Bloom Food

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