Horticulturist Pernell Gerver's Gardening Question Answer/Consultation Service


How it works: Complete the form below (we do not sell or give your personal information to anyone), then click on "Submit My Gardening Question." You will be taken to Pernell Gerver's Online Store shopping cart. Follow the directions for completing your order via our secure server. You may also purchase plants and/or gardening products from Pernell Gerver's Online Store at the same time. (Gardening questions are not charged shipping.) Your question will be answered via email as soon as possible. In the email will be a special code you can use to redeem your $25 credit at Pernell Gerver's Online Store. Thanks for using our service!

Your Name:

Your Email Address (required):

Confirm Your Email Address (required):

Would you like to be notified of upcoming Gardening Workshops (free and open to the public) by Email?
(We do not sell or give your personal information to anyone else.)

If yes, which email list would you like to add your name to? Please check all that apply.
Western Massachusetts

How did you learn of me? (Please be specific, thanks!)

Enter your first gardening question in the large box below - OR - to avoid retyping your question, check off this box to use your question you just submitted regarding the topic of: (Please list only one topic at a time in this box. Leave the large box below blank and click on "Submit My Gardening Question.")

One topic only per submission, please. If you have questions on multiple topics, please submit each one separately. Type in your first question below or check off above, then click on "Submit My Gardening Question." When you get to the shopping cart page, click on "Back to Shopping." That will bring you back to this page to submit another question.
Your Gardening Question:

When you're done, click "Submit My Gardening Question" below.



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