Q. My
wife and I have a wisteria vine and we have tried everything for the
last four years to make it flower, but there have been no flowers
yet. May I please have some advice on how to make it bloom? Thanks.
A. A
wisteria vine in full bloom is a sight to see in late spring. Long
blue or white fragrant flower trusses cascade as if dripping off the
substantial vines. Wisterias are beautiful in bloom, but they are notorious
for not blooming. Sometimes wisteria vines are stubborn and refuse
to bloom. This is especially true of young wisterias. It's not that
the vines are weak, to the contrary, older wisterias have thick,
trunk-like stems and are many times holding up rotted porches and
railings on very old homes. The strong vining stems grow rapidly and
wrap around anything they can grab onto. It's mind boggling that such
a vigorous plant is so difficult to bloom. With non-blooming
wisterias, the key is being persistent and patient.
Wisterias grow best in full sun and moist soil. A young plant needs
at least 10 years to get established. If the plant was raised from
seed, then it could take even longer. For a blooming vine, a late
cold snap might kill flower buds.
If after 10 years, and the cultural conditions are right, and the
wisteria still refuses to bloom, then action should be taken to
coerce the stubborn vine into bloom.
The following flower-inducing methods may appear drastic, but
consider it "tough-love" - the reward might just be a
beautiful, blooming plant.
Wisteria vines put on much vegetative growth during the summer. Make
sure to keep these long whip-like growths trimmed back constantly.
Flower trusses appear on next year's new growth, so at each pruning,
trim back the vines to two nodes (where the leaves join the stems).
Because the vines are so vigorous, pruning it several times during
the season is not out of the question.
Thin extra vines so there is room for sun and air to get through.
Don't be afraid to prune wisteria hard.
Wisterias reluctant to blossom sometimes respond to root pruning. Use
a good sharp spade and slice a few feet out from the stems, all
around the vine. Push the spade back and forth in the ground, making
a trench, and add superphosphate. Use a few pounds for each inch of
trunk diameter. Mix it into the soil in the trench and then close up
the crevice. The superphosphate will encourage blooming. Do not use
fertil |