firetails is a trailing house plant with small, deep-green
leaves on semi-woody long stems. Flowers are fuzzy "tails"
that appear in the axils of its leaves near the ends of its stems.
It's an everblooming house plant that is always in bloom.
one of my favorites I grow for year 'round bloom is chenille
plant. Chenille plant
is a shrubby house plant that bears unique flowers unlike any others.
It has long, velvety, red tassels that hang down from its branches.
The flowers can reach a foot long or more and remain attractive for
months. New flowers are always appearing along its stems for year
'round bloom. It has large, pale-green leaves and can grow to three
feet tall.
'Raspberry Ice' has long, thin stems that form a shrubby,
climbing house plant. The stems can be trained up a trellis or be
allowed to trail from a hanging basket. It bears large clusters of
papery, fuchsia-pink "flowers" (actually bracts) at the
tips of its stems. The flowers remain colorful for weeks and bloom
almost all year long. In addition to its showy flowers, it has
attractive variegated foliage.
jasmine is a stiff-stemmed vine that bears
bright-golden-yellow flowers. The flowers have a sweet, fruity
fragrance and bloom year round. It grows well in a bright window and
is a good candidate for a hanging basket or grow it on a trellis.
jasmine is a shrubby house plant that bears clusters of
intensely-fragrant, white, waxy flowers. The flowers have a sweet
orange-blossom fragrance and bloom year 'round. Even young plants
have buds and blooms. Its olive-green foliage is glossy and quite attractive. |