Q. I enjoy reading
your columns and have gotten helpful advice from it. I need your
advice about how to discourage black bears from coming into my yard.
I have bird feeders and have heard the bears are attracted to them.
Thanks for any advice you can give me.
A. While
I have never had any personal experience, thankfully, with black
bear, I have heard from people who have. Every now and then I'll get
questions about black bear from people at my gardening workshops and
on my Web site.
Whenever anyone asks me about how to discourage black bear from
coming on their property the first question I will always ask them is
if they have a bird feeder on their property. Everyone that has ever
asked me about bear on their property has always said that they do
have a bird feeder. Some have even watched a bear eat the bird seed
that has fallen on the ground.
If I were you, I would take down any and all bird feeders on your
property and clean up all of the bird seed on the ground because the
bird seed attracts bear and they love to eat it. The last thing you
want to do is feed the bears. If they know there's food there,
they'll come looking for it.
One of our regulars who comes to my gardening workshops frequently
told me a story about a close encounter she had with a black bear.
She was on the phone inside her house and just happened to look up at
the door. On the other side of the thin screen door was a black bear
standing on its hind legs lookin |